Thursday 22 May 2014

Progressive Education Explained in a Story!!

Why Specialization is important!                                                         Some animals in a forest decided to start a school. Among  students included was a bird, a squirrel, a fish, a dog , a rabbit & a mentally retarded eel. A board was formed and it was decided that flying, tree climbing, swimming, and burrowing would be part of the curriculum in order to give a broad-based education. All animals were required to take all subjects. 
The bird was excellent at flying and was getting A's but when it came to burrowing, it kept breaking its beak and wings and started failing. Pretty soon, it started making C's in flying and of course in tree climbing and swimming it was getting F's. The squirrel was great at tree climbing and was getting A's, but was failing in swimming. The fish was the best swimmer but couldn't get out of the water and got F's in everything else. 

The dog didn't join the school, stopped paying taxes and kept fighting with the administration to include barking as part of the curriculum. The rabbit got A's in burrowing but tree climbing was a real problem. It kept falling and landing on its head, suffered brain damage, and soon couldn't even burrow properly and got C's in that too. The mentally retarded eel, who did everything half as well became the valedictorian of the class. The board was happy because everybody was getting a broad-based education. 

Moral of the Story:
What Progressive  Education really means is that the student is prepared for life, without losing their areas of specialization or competence.

Please follow the link below to view a video broadcast from me and my friends discussing our blogs. Enjoy!!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Discover the eagle in you!!

You are capable of more than you think!!

An eagle's egg was placed in the nest of a prairie chicken. The egg hatched and the little eagle grew up thinking it was a prairie chicken. The eagle did what the prairie chickens did. It scratched in the dirt for seeds. It clucked and cackled.

It never flew more than a few feet because that is what the prairie chickens did. One day he saw an eagle flying gracefully and majestically in the open sky. He asked the prairie chickens: "What is that beautiful bird?" The chickens replied, "That is an eagle. He is an outstanding bird, but you cannot fly like him because you are just a prairie chicken." 
So the eagle never gave it a second thought, believing that to be the truth. He lived the life of and died a prairie chicken, depriving himself of his heritage because of his lack of vision. What a waste!
Moral of the story;

The eagle was born to win, but was conditioned to lose. Never allow anyone, or situation determine what you can or cannot achieve in life, you were born a winner.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

What is the Moral of this Story??

 Wise words from Buddha

Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, "I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake there." 

The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!" So he came back and told Buddha, "The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink."

After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.
Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, "See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be ... and the mud settled down on its own and you got clear water... Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down.

Moral of the story:

Tuesday 22 April 2014

We hear every day that knowledge is power. Not really. Knowledge is information. It is potential power and it becomes power only when it is acted upon. What is the difference between a person who cannot read and a person who can but does not read? Not a whole lot. Learning is like eating food. It is not how much you eat that matters, what counts is how much you digest.
Knowledge is potential power, wisdom is real power.

Education takes many forms, it is not just grades and a degree. It is
-cultivating your strength
-learning self-discipline
-desiring to learn

Friday 4 April 2014



Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success! The only thing that is low in interest, worth your investment, is time, NOT money! so use it wisely.

The clock is ticking!! Make the most of today.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Moral Story- Life's lesson from Dato Hindjou

Young Donald Hindjou
 As a young Namibian man, 

Donald Hindjou came to 

Tanjong Malim and started 

doing odd jobs. He ended up 

as one of the largest steel manufacturers in 

the Malaysia. 

At one time he had 9 millionaires working for

him. Several decades ago, a million ringgits

used to be a lot of money; even today it is a

lot of   money. 

                                Successful businessman: Donald Hindjou

Someone asked Mr. Hindjou how he dealt with people? Hindjou replied, "Dealing with people is like digging gold: When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don't go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold."

Moral of the Story:
Become a digger for gold!!

If you are looking for what is wrong with people or with things, you will find many. What are you looking for? Donald
 Hindjou's reply has a very important message. There is something positive in every person and every situation!!

Thursday 13 March 2014

Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream- The full speech

This is one the most profound speeches ever. "I have a dream speech was delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28, 1963." Many people around the world have been inspired by this speech and many hearts were touched by it.